Barovier & Toso is the oldest glass company in Italy and its history dates back to as far as 1295. In 1884 Giovanni Barovier and his nephews Guiseppe, Benvenuto and Benedetto purchase the Salviati Dr. Antonio glass firm after Salviati decides to separate from the glass production business. The contract includes an agreement to retain the “Salviati” name until Antonios death. Consequently it is changed to “Artisti Barovier” in 1890. The company quickly becomes known for their refined glass works and they partake in important exhibitions to promote the business. In 1919 Ercole Barovier together with his brother Nicolo become partners of their fathers workshop and the company name is changed to “Vetreria Artistica Barovier”. Under the leadership of Ercole, who becomes managing director in 1920 new designs are introduced which include sophisticated polychrome “a murrine” vases and unusual animals blown in glass. Ercole is a tireless creator of new styles and vitreous textures and he devotes much time perfecting hot colouring without fusion. Sophisticated glass patterns such as “primavera” and “crepuscolo” win great acclaim for the company. From 1928 to 1970 Ercole Baroviers latest designs are introduced in regular fashion at the Venice Biennales. Ercole remains the artistic director of the firm until 1972, which is the year he is succeeded by his son Angelo, who was working at the company since 1947.
A retrospective exhibition of Ercole Baroviers complete work is held at the Museo Correr in Venice in 1989.